Tuesday, 27 January 2015

K is for Kitchen Sink

Hello my lovely readers,

This manicure is full of subtle changes.  From a multi-chrome base colour to a pretty stamped gradient and a using a stamping image which merges from one pattern into another.

Today is the letter K for "Kitchen Sink" for the A-Z Weekly Blog challenge.  I'm stretching the challenge a little here, but I've tried to use everything except the kitchen sink on my nails this week. We post alphabetically on thursdays, but I am always late. Ig hashtag #A2ZNails

Colour shifts!!!
And here's more from up-and-coming British indie polish maker "Frightfully Spectacular"

Today I am showing off this incredible multichrome topper (used for the base of my manicure):  Once Upon A Dream by Frightfully Spectacular.

This flower-shaped bottle of magic will totally transform any colour into an incredible purple to green to gold party on your fingers.

Check out the new facebook page https://www.facebook.com/frightfullyspectacular for a sneek peek.  Also see  #FrightfullySpectacular on instagram for more photos.  

If you would like to donate to Frightfully Spectacular  www.gofundme.com/kttwuo

Halogen Lighting
This close-up really shows the change in colours both in the base coat and in the stamping.
Gigantic finger
Base colours:  Frightfully Spectacular, Once Upon A Dream (Multichrome topper), over black (black polish not shown)
    Stamp colours from left:  Mundo de Uñas Stamping Polish, 16. Lilac, 49. Lavender and 24. Aqua

    Stamping plate:  Pueen Encore - SE02A

    Tools of the Trade
    To finish off, I wanted to show you how I achieved the coloured gradient using stamping polish.   I used three colours, placing a dot of each next to each other on the stamping plate and scraping two or three times in the same direction.  Mundo de Uñas Stamping Polish is perfect for this technique since it is slower to dry than most other brands.

    My work area after stamping!

    Here are the other manicures for K = Kitchen Sink


    1. I love the tri-colored stamping over that color shifting base! I'm really looking forward to seeing what else Frightfully Spectacular comes up!

    2. Good post dear! I am following you and you can also follow me back please ;)))

    3. I love it so much! The colors that you use are amazing! You are so talented, really. xoxo


    4. This is jut so beautiful! You have all the rainbows going on!
